Have you ever thought of running for Mayor? 

Although one of the perks may include being addressed as “Your Worship”, the role also carries a lot of responsibilities.  

Let’s try to break it down a bit.


Like anyone on council, the Mayor needs to have a basic familiarity with, and understanding of, the Ontario Municipal Act.  

As the “CEO” of the township, the Mayor must have a big picture view of all municipal functions such as waste management, roads, water supply and quality, municipal buildings and other assets and the roles of staff and outside agencies that affect the township.  

As an elected representative, the Mayor must also know about the issues and perspectives of the community members.


The Mayor chairs council meetings and maintains order and fairness in the treatment of councillors and people who speak or present information at council meetings.  This responsibility demands a calm approach and diplomacy as well as a firm hand.  Fortunately, the rules for meetings are set out in the township’s Procedural By-Law.  It may take some practice but the by-law is a very helpful guide to running meetings.

The Mayor also has the duty to promote the township to all levels of government and act in the best interests of the township.  

Also, the Mayor ensures that the activities of council and senior management are as transparent and accountable as possible to the general public. 


Like councillors, the Mayor has a vote on council and must take into consideration the best interests of the municipality and the voices of the public in making decisions.  

A Mayor also represents the township at all sorts of official activities such as township festivals, on boards and committees within the township and with agencies such as the police, health authorities and other groups that are outside of the township.  

Not all of the responsibility falls on the Mayor - council will choose councillors to represent the township as well.  That said, the Mayor usually has the highest profile of any member on council and has the particular responsibility to engage the public in community activities. 

How much time does a Mayor spend doing the job? 

It depends on how involved the Mayor is with community activities, on various committees and on the meeting schedule for council.  

Anyone considering this position should count on spending some time each work day catching up on reading and touching base with township staff even when meetings and activities aren’t scheduled. 

A Mayor always has to take the pulse of the community and meet head on the challenges that inevitably appear!